Not diabetic? That's not good enough.
As a naturopath, my focus is preventative, proactive medicine. Nowhere is this better highlighted than in diabetes type 2 or diabetes...

Hair Loss, Going Beyond Biotin
One of the most frustrating things for me to hear when helping patients address hair loss is "but I'm taking biotin". Like anything else...

Facial Cupping 101
Looking for an all-natural, inexpensive, easy way to perk up your skin? Read on to learn about the possible benefits, how-tos and tips to...

Defending Your Skin Against Time
Aging is inevitable, but we are not powerless in the battle against skin aging. In this article, we will review the natural signs and...

What the Bloat!?
Is that post-meal belly bulge or that need to unbutton your pants after eating becoming all too familiar? Let's explore why this happens...

My Top 5 Supplement Picks
Here are my top picks to keep your thrive on! Read on to discover the benefits of each supplement, signs you may need them and what to...

Have You Considered Collagen?
In light of the growing interest and popularity of collagen supplementation have you considered collagen? Today, let's take a dive into...

Low Vitamin D
The recent news linking low vitamin D to COVID-19 has turned many heads including my own. It's left many of us wondering about our own...